Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Bobo and the even handed centrist guy schtick

Daivid Brooks, everybody's favorite Republican has a column up today on the failures by both parties on Social Security reform.

Here's one of his Republican criticisms:
In their efforts to create a risk-taking, dynamic society, they didn't appreciate how many people, including conservatives, value security and safety.

Okay, since when was the US not a dynamic risk takng country?? It's like the the woman who says "I loved him too much." This is a criticism?

Here's a criticism of the Democrats:
The Howard Dean hotheads declare that they hate the evil Republicans, making compromise seem like collaborating with Satan.

First things first. Here's a real cheap shot at the leader of the DNC. And while I would never equate a republican with Satan, making compromisise with George Bush's republican party has led to nothing but ruin. Ask Max Cleland. Ask stupid Joe Lieberman, who has been providing political cover to Bush for 4 years now.

Lastly, there is this gem:
Instead, many made demagogic speeches about Republican benefit cuts, as if it is possible to fix the system without benefit cuts.

Umm, Mr. Brooks, there is a way to solve the problem without benefit cuts. You simply refuse to see it. Raise the retirement age, raise the ceiling on the payroll tax are 2 of the easiest remedies. So shut your cake hole.

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