Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I'm Starting to think "Fuck It!, I'm done with this blog shit!!"

Oh, boo hoo. Nobody seems to read my posts. Yeah, I know I need to put more time into them, but being a busy father is, well, busy.

So today I check the blog to see if anybody has commented on my recent posts, and lo and behold there is a comment on one!!!!! So exciting.

I click the comments section and it was... a Spam ad for a company currently trading a 3 cents a share.



Anonymous said...

It's day 5 of prep & still I have no script. I am so bored I actually read your blogs and low & behold there is a hilarious entry about how nobody reads your blog entries. You are priceless and a big help to people like me who don't get there scripts till day 8. Because with out your blogs I would be spending a lot more money on the internet then I already am.


rob said...

I feel that all the time, why do I even bother - why spend a few minutes everyday on a blog for two and a half years and have no one read it - and then I realize - hey i'm only spending a few minutes on it (and you can tell with all my spelling errors and Bush lite grammar).

Besides I feel pride and joy when worthy sites such as yours links to my sad little underlit section of the internet.