Thursday, December 22, 2005

I need to be more observant

Holy Fucking Shit!

I was getting my truck inspected & oiled today & was forced to watch Fox News for aout 45 minutes.


For a story on whether Clinton & Carter illegally spied on Americans,they brought in a columnist from the Washington TIMES. Then they they interviewed 2 folks who were insanely pro management for the NY Transit strike.

The sad fact is I was in the room with 4 other people who seemed t be lapping everything up on the tube. Freaky.

1 comment:

Yukon Sully said...

It's a typical Fox strategy--if Bush does something stupid, immoral or just plain illegal then make the story about how Democrats have done comporable bad things ten or twenty years ago. It doesn't matter if it's true or not; like the Swiftboat ads, if you give it enough free air time then after a while it seems to congeal into something resembling true in the minds of about half the country. Plus, every minute that we argue whether or not Bill Clinton did or didn't do whatever Sean Hannity is screaming about is that much more time allowed for scandal-fatigue. Pretty soon no one cares that our civil liberties are being eroded.