Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I Officially Suck


2 months without posting in what has been 2 of the busiest months in a looooong time.

I have forgotten so many amazing things that Grace has said these past months.

we moved upstate, Sarah saw a bear, Grace started school, I started work again, my show won an Emmy, Grace and I developed an intricate new tickling game involving declarations of "I don't love Daddy" (don't wory, it is only temporary), I bought an old cheap truck, my best male friend went to the Emmys and apprently was on TV every few seconds, I chave chopped enough firewood to heat my whole county, I bought a Prius (wow it really has ben a long time), I illegally downloaded the new Springsteen album, I bought tickets to the Springsteen show in Albany, I have immersed my family in the new Springsteen record (Grace just loves Gypsy Biker). The list is endless. Life truly does get in the way.

I will try and do better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.