Tuesday, December 28, 2004

NY Times Letter

I will always post my letters to the editor of the Times. Here's today's. (For what it's worth, I have had 2 letters published so far)

Dear Editor:

The front page of the Dec. 28 paper struck a nerve with me. Above the fold there was continuing coverage of the crisis in the wake of the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. Below the fold was the story about giddy Wall Streeters and the return of their massive year end bonuses. The bonus for Goldman Sachs' COO was $4.5 million MORE than the entire United States government initially pledged for the earthquake relief effort.

I am flabbergasted that our government's initial response to one of the greatest natural disasters in my lifetime is less than a Wall St. Christmas bonus. There is something seriously wrong with the picture this paints about us as a society and a people.

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