Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Shit Scary Story in today's NY Times

I haven't seen anybody else posting about this story but I read it on the way into work today. It's about a woman from Belgium who married a muslim and became radicalized to the point of becoming a suicide bomber in Iraq last month.

This is the future face of Islamic terrorism. European women (most Euro/American men don't tend to hook up with pre-radicalized Muslim women) who are in relationships with radicalized Muslim men, eventually become radicalized themselves to the point of suicide bombing. Women like this are so much easier to get into this country. It's not exactly easy to racially profile young western European women for this sort of thing.

Take a good look. This woman is the future of terrorism. In this country.

Click here to read the entire frightening story

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually wacked to this babe before I read the story.