Thursday, February 23, 2006

Peer Pressure

I have a question.

In the socio-economic group (yuppies who have had kids late) and neighborhood (Park Slope) we find ourselves in, there is a trend to send children to a rudimentary form of school at the age of 2. That's right. School at 2.

It is euphemistically referred to as a "Twos program" and it is essentially 2 or 3 days a few for a few hours.

Many (in fact all except one who is now wavering) of the mothers that Sarah is socializing with are putting their children in such a program. I have voiced my opinion that I think it is essentially a load of rubbish but I am sensitive to the fact that she is experiencing massive pressure to send Grace to this rudimentary form of learning.

Is it wrong of me to think that just because these "schools" charge more than $5000 a year for "schooling" 2 year olds that it is for the most part it is simply a way to part affluent, nervous parents from their money? I don't doubt that there is some value in this, but this plays completely into the irrational fear that modern parents have. It is especially pernicious in urban parents who have had children later in life. They (we) tend to be better off academically & financially. We also highly value education. If Pre-K is good for the kid, how about 2 more years of school? That will really give my child super brainpower (and social connections). The fear then becomes that if your child doesn't go into a 2's program, then perhaps they won't get into the "right" preschool, and then they won't get into the right elementary school, and the next thing you know, Harvard is out and Palm Beach County Community College is their only option. I am not exaggerating.

I grew up in Florida where education was not this competitive, so I freely admit I have my biases on this issue. But I also resent the fact that there is all this pressure on a school decision for a child who still shits its pants. It smacks of am elitism I have never been comfortable with.
There is a notion that "nothing is too good for my child" that I am very leery of. It allows one to rationalize all sorts of poor decisions, from $900 strollers, over vaccination, designer clothing, $100,000 bar mitzvahs, to expensive school for 2 year olds.

It's possible my anti-elitist streak is clouding my judgement. If you have an opinion, I would love to hear from you.


Anonymous said...

We wholehearltly agree! By the way the stroller wasn't $900 and it was a gift. I'm waiting for your next posting entitled "Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth". Can you tell I feel a little weird about rolling it around. But it does have a smoooooth ride.

33458 said...

While I believe both polite socialization and a healthy introduction to learning should start around this age, I see no reason to cave in to the suburban standard and pay through the nose for perfunctory 'education'.
Very young children can and will absorb vast amounts of information and enjoy the interaction with other tots, but there are other (cheaper, saner) ways to achieve the same goal. I think you are dealing with the 'Lexus' babies, or more to the point, the parents who started chasing down a placement in to the most coveted pre-schools before leaving the hospital...uh, scratch that - before even giving birth. ;)

You will determine the values taught to your child by the choices you make starting right now. Let them be a reflection of your personal beliefs and not that of the Jones'.
Stand your ground.
If the prestige sounds like nonsense to you, it most likely is. ;)