Sunday, November 19, 2006

Shitting the bed (in NY & elsewhere)

Change is in the air. How do I know?

Two of the last three nap days (not an actual nap, mind you) she has literally shit the bed, obviously in protest of being put in the crib in the first place, all the while tellign us she didn't want to go to bed. The clothes come off first, then the diaper (a pull up these days) followed by a Chuck Berry exhibition (no camera however). Luckily, she is well aware that "poop has germs" so we have been spared all of that horror.

It would seem that nap time might be on the wane.

In an unrelated matter, other places that seem to be in a bed shitting phase are Tallahassee & Miami.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nobody likes a smug Gator.