Monday, February 11, 2008

Weekend at Barry's

There has been so much talk, even by people who get paid A LOT of money for their opinions that while Obama might have a good February, Hillary had her firewall in Texas & Ohio on March 4th. This is her 2nd or 3rd firewall. Even Rudy only had one.

What they never mentioned that this race, which has not lacked for drama, has lacked one important ingredient: momentum. Neither candidate has been able to put together a string of victories that would create a dynamic change.

This weekend may be the beginning of that change. If Tuesday goes like the polls are saying, Obama will have run off a string of 8 wins in a row, with Hawaii & Wisconsin to come. The March 4th voters of Texas & Ohio (and of course Vermont) will see those results as well. Polls taken in those states after Tuesday will be very instructive for both campaigns. Don't expect Hillary to have a double digit lead any more.
Another interesting side story of the weekend is the Rasputin like campaign of Mike Huckabee. He too had a great weekend, and with the obvious shenanigans in Washington State over the missing last 13% of the votes, it will provide an excellent story. Just when we think the GOP race is over and the Democrats are in disarray, an election breaks out and the stories reverse. Strange weekend.

McCain will be the nominee, but these kinds of bumps in the road will not serve him well as he tries to get a jump on beating up the democrats.

Lastly, Bush got in on the action by taking a swipe at Obama today. Got to love that if you're Obama. Not so much if you're Hillary.

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