Thursday, March 24, 2005

I'm No Alarmist, But...

Earlier today, I started to write a post about how I was worried that something awful was going to happen in Florida with regards to Terri Schiavo. It semed alarmist and a bit shrill so I stopped myself.

Sorry to go on about this, but I have read 2 things tonight that I am truly speechless about.

#1: from Fox news, John Gibson says jeb Bush should give serious thought about storming the hospice where Terri Sciavo is.

#2: In the National Review, William Bennett (former Reagan/Bush cabinet member turned gambling addict) advises Jeb Bush to use whatever means necessary to reinstate the feeding tube. He has the fucking audacity to compare it to martin Luther King's civil disobedience.

These people are inciting violence, plain and simple. What is happening to this country?

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