Saturday, August 27, 2005


Grace has been on a daily dose of antibiotics of one form or another since then end of September, 2004. I don't write this to encourage your sympathy, although you are welcome to.

I write this only to say that she seems to have gotten wise to the whole thing and doesn't want to injest them anymore. The new one she is one (another mystery infection... lab results on Monday) clearly tastes like cat sick, as she immediately shakes her head "no" as soon as the spoon (or syringe, or squirter) nears her pie hole.

We end up having to lie her down, hold her hands, and use the syringe, but this is traumatic for both mother & child. Sarah was convinced tonight that Grace was going to hold this against us, but the genuinely lovely hug Grace gave her about 90 seconds later proved otherwise.

As for me, I'm not so worried about pissing her off, but I must wonder what essentially a year's worth of antibiotics is doing to her immune system. If you want details on what they do to her digestive system, email me. I won't post it here.

We have been dealing with this urinary tract "situation" for nearly a year now, and I am starting to wonder if we aren't creating another long term problem due to all of these antibotics.

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