Thursday, August 11, 2005

Welcome new readers

Nothing like sending out a note changing your email address to all your friends to get your blog views going up. So I guess I better post something.

In Grace news, we went on an extremely long wagon ride today (sorry, no photos yet). By the end of it, she was nodding off in the back just like my father in a La-z-boy. Truly a wonderful way to spend the day.

In political news, this country is a disaster. Bush refuses to go see the mother of the dead soldier. He's a fool. It would be so easy. All he has to do is go out there, offer her some lemonade, speak to her for 30 minutes with no microphones, and it would all blow over. But he's incapable of spending time with anybody in an unscripted environment for fear of looking like a moron.

Also, did you know OUR Dept. of Defense is organizing a "freedom march" to honor both victims of 9-11 and our soldiers. Bad enough tat the march ends with a rally and country music concert, but they are making people "sign up" to be allowed to participate. WTF???? What is "free" about having to give your name to the government to walk in a march? These folks get scarier by the minute. But somehow we just don't care.

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