Thursday, April 06, 2006

Renters vs. Owners

I have been thinking about the administration's idea of a guest worker program so people could easily come to this country to work.

After thinking long and hard, I am going to pull a Thomas Friedman and explain my thoughts with a silly analogy.

You know those houses each summer at the Hamptons that are filled with various renters sharing the place. Invariably at the end of the summer, the place is somewhat trashed and there is much repair work to do.

A Guest worker program is like saying to these people, "You are welcome to rent here but owning is out of the question. Sorry, but you have to leave at the end of the season." Except that in this case, they make the illegal aliens rent the house all winter and kick them out before Memorial Day.

Is there any stupider idea than allowing people into this country but telling them that they have no stake in living here, that there is no future for them other than they can make some money before we kick them out. I can't think of a better way to create a group of people who feel they can trash the place. Why not, they don't own it!

End of silly analogy.

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